This weekend we received news that my neighbor and hero, Becky Ellis, died after a long battle with cancer. I wrote this post in memory of her.
When I was a fifth grader at Wasatch Elementary School ("the best school in the land!") I surrounded myself with a group of friends who were dancers. I mean, their moms took them to dance every day after school and crimped their hair and bought them green sparkly leotards that only had one sleeve. They all went to the same dance studio which was called something like "Stars Dance Club" but they just called it "Stars."
Like this: After school I have to go to Stars for ballet and jazz. I am so busy.
And oh boy was it competitive. There were different levels at Stars and everyone hoped to dance their way up to the top group which made you a SUPER STAR! As I remember it, first you had to be a Starfish and then you became a Starburst and if you were good enough you could be a Starlight, then maybe a Starflower and if you could dance better than almost anyone else you were a SUPER STAR!
Not me though, I was nothing but stardust.
My mom wouldn't sign me up for dance classes. Not sparkly leotard dance classes, anyway. Instead, my hippie mother sent me to BYU's modern dance clinics where I was taught to sway like trees in an autumn wind and flip about like a half-fish evolving into a reptile. It wasn't really me, I didn't have the confidence.
But I did love to dance--free spirit style. To flail my body about and hit beats using my own rhythmic language. So I continued on, and those nights when my friends went to Stars I stayed home in my basement and danced alone for hours.
Now, when you are a student at Wasatch Elementary School you learn to dance. Dance is a staple, a tradition as old as the building. Every May--at the close of school--the graduating sixth graders perform a maypole which is proceeded by grade level dances. The Kindergartners do a Jell-O dance and there is always a parachute dance and the fun never ends (or so it seems).
In my 5th grade year Jake's mom Becky taught us a new end-of-the-year dance. She was a real dancer who had never been a SUPER STAR. She loved to dance freely, like me. For weeks before the performance she would meet us in the gym with her big drum.
Her drum would sound.
With every BOOM! she required us to shape our bodies into different positions. She taught us to listen to beats with our hearts. Sometimes we'd collapse with the BOOMS and sometimes we'd jump. Sometimes our movements were as small as a twitch, sometimes as big as a sweeping leap.
For me, it was exhilarating. I was in a new dimension where dance had no rules except what came from inside of me. I felt very uninhibited with Becky because every move I made she praised. She loved every one's shapes and pulses. There, in the gym we were moving entirely originally. No Roger Rabbits, no Snakes, and no Running Man. No Starbursts or Star ladders to climb. No leaders, no followers, just Becky and her drum.
Finally, someone who spoke my language! I came to a place, inside my vivacious fifth grade soul, where dance wasn't about costumes, or crimped hair or even radio-ready music. It was simply about feeling good.
Ten years after that experience I decided to take a dance class in college. It wasn't nearly as fun as Becky's classes in the gym, but for the record I earned myself a "A." When receiving my report card I silently dedicated my well-earned grade to Becky.
It was she who made me feel like a super star.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Stories (and Songs) Behind Timp
The Timpanogos Story Telling festival schedule is now up!
You can read about it here.
Along with story telling, there will be music concerts as well.
You can see that schedule here.
Of course, I will be in attendance to hear the lovely Mindy Gledhill who performs on Friday (September 4th) from 6:45pm to about 8:00pm at the Scera Shell. After Mindy, the festival's storytellers will share their favorite stories in a series called (you guessed it) My Favorite Stories.
You know, sometimes Orem really comes up with good times.
I mean, no Stadium of Fire, but still a good time.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Heck Week
(500 west and Center)
Week One: Education Week. Where everyone descends upon my Creamery on Ninth for ice cream. And people park on my front lawn. And traffic is horrific. It has been known as Hades Week around here, except the hardcore say Hell Week instead. (And then repent, I hope.)
Week Two: Back to BYU. Students suddenly flow back to our roads and rental homes and make a ninth east left turn nearly impossible. It usually takes a week to get used to the major influx of people back in the city, and then it just is what it is.
Maybe some good elected officials can do something about these two weeks of every year. Find out by going to Meet The Candidate nights in your neck of the woods. Here is a letter from Dave Knecht:
Dear friends and neighbors,
The following Meet the Candidates meetings are scheduled.
If you can't make your area meeting, then feel free to attend on another night. If your neighborhood is not listed, feel free to attend any of the events.
Please tell your friends and come listen to the Mayoral Candidates, and in some cases the Council Candidates for the city wide seat. If I can arrange for more neighborhood meetings I will let you know.
Sincerely, Dave Knecht
North East Provo Meet the Candidates meeting.
Tuesday August 25th 6:30 PM at the Edgemont Elementary School
Includes Edgemont, Indian Hills, North Timpview, Rock Canyon and Sherwood Hills neighborhoods.
South West Provo Meet the Candidates meeting.
Wednesday August 26th 6:00 PM at Amelia Airhart Elementary School
Includes Sunset, Provo Bay, and Lakewood neighborhoods.
Central Provo Meet the Candidates meetings.
Franklin, Franklin South Neighborhoods, Dixon and North Park Neighborhoods
Wednesday September 2nd 6:30pm Franklin Elementary School
Joaquin and Maeser Neighborhoods
Thursday September 10th at 7:00pm at Farrer Elementary School
Question for my Neighbors:
How do you survive back-to-back Education Week and Back-to-School traffic?
And also I am thinking . . . did I notice the traffic changes when I lived on the west side? Remind me.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
My Dad Says I Can Invite You
Perhaps the coolest thing about my dad's mayoral campaign is the headquarters. In a tiny location, behind a downtown barber shop, sits Steve Clark for Mayor HQ. Shave and a haircut, two votes!
As it turns out, this Thursday my Dad is inviting all Neighbors to come for his HQ Grand Opening. He even promises a free lunch with a tube steaks and drinks! On the house! That is what free means!
But like any good candidate, Steve Clark knows your votes aren't free, so come and let him answer any questions you might have about the election. It's a low key, family affair so bring your sandals and strollers too.
Where: 3rd North & University Avenue
When: Thursday, August 20th
Time: 11-1
p.s. I will be back later with information about the Timpanagos Storytelling Festival. Stay tuned!
As it turns out, this Thursday my Dad is inviting all Neighbors to come for his HQ Grand Opening. He even promises a free lunch with a tube steaks and drinks! On the house! That is what free means!
But like any good candidate, Steve Clark knows your votes aren't free, so come and let him answer any questions you might have about the election. It's a low key, family affair so bring your sandals and strollers too.
Where: 3rd North & University Avenue
When: Thursday, August 20th
Time: 11-1
p.s. I will be back later with information about the Timpanagos Storytelling Festival. Stay tuned!
*photo by the photographic magician Justin Hackworth
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Mindy Gledhill, Provo Mayor, Rain (Not in that order)
Did you love the rain last night? The double rainbow? The smell of rain on pavement?
Last night I attended a "Meet the Candidates" night for the mayoral race. It was an eye-opening evening, I enjoyed hearing different points of view. Of course, Steve Clark has my vote (experience, experience, experience PLUS HE IS MY DAD) and I like the energy of Don Allphin too. I hope to go to more of those forums, they are interesting and I feel like I'm doing my civic duty.
Speaking of my civic duty, I was interview by the divine Mrs. Gledhill for her Tree Streets Tuesdays. The interview included her coming to my house and making The Chief and me guacamole. Oh dinner rolls, The Chief loves Mrs. Gledhill's guacamole. And I love Mrs. Gledhill.
You can read my little interview here.
Want My Dad's button?
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Just . . . You Know . . . Making Weekend Plans Already
Saturday is going to be memorable. First of all, I am on a panel discussing Stay At Home Mothers at the Salt Lake Sunstone Symposium. Anyone out there going to the symposium? You? Maybe . . . you? How about you over there?
After that, I might try getting into Forage, a new restaurant started by a friend's husband. It's getting nice reviews. (Thanks Vance!)
In the cool of the evening I will join other well-wishers in climbing the belly of Y Mountain in commemorating the survival of my sister and brother-in-law in last year's airplane crash. You can read more about in this Daily Universe article.
And while you are at it, you might as well read the best of Police Beat: spring and summer. And if you go that far and read the Police Beat, you might as well tell me your favorite account of "crime."
Crime in Provo is serious, Neighbors.
(Post Script. If you say efy and marijuana, you are on my team.)
Monday, August 10, 2009
Provo Is . . .
. . . c0ld.
I write this wrapped up in a big blanket.
Are you stunned at this weather?
And als0, we keep finding colonies of earwigs around here.
I was worried.
Then Lucy told me they keep finding them at their house to0--across town from us.
So Neighbors, are you c0ld?
D0 you have earwigs?
And als0, is this a plague?
Should I be repenting?
Should you be repenting?
Well, Look Who Won
Thanks everyone for participating, I wish you all the vacation you deserve. If not a real vacation, a petite vacation anyway.

Happy Anniversary My Dear Geo.
Prayers to you, too.

- Geo said...
Oh, it would be perfect for our anniversary which is almost here. We haven't planned a thing yet, and a getaway would be so very sweet.
- August 7, 2009 7:06 AM
Happy Anniversary My Dear Geo.
Prayers to you, too.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Give Away Get Away
On any given weekend in Provo you could stay in town, or venture out of town for a petite vacation. Within hours we have charming towns, breathtaking scenery and recreational spots. These are the benefits of our location, Neighbors.
In the quiet town of Fountain Green is a little white cottage with a red roof. It sits in front of apple orchards and looks out at a mountainous view of the Sanpete Valley. This cottage is called Red Apple Cottage and it wants you to come for a night and be a guest.
That is, should you need a petite vacation.
Dawn, the owner of Red Apple Cottage is giving away a free one night rental and the winner can book the available date of their choice.
Here is what Dawn has to say about the Cottage:
The home is furnished with antiques and one of a kind piece from Star Mill in American Fork. It has original hardwood floors and kitchen cabinets. Our goal is to create a comfortable, clean, relaxing space. We hope that our guests will share the joy that we feel when we stay there.
We love the area of Fountain Green and all the Sanpete County has to offer: fishing, golf, mountain biking, rock climbing, ATV riding are just a few of the recreation possibilities in the area. It is just a one hour drive from Provo, so a night or a weekend is an easy get away.
Read more about Red Apple Cottage here.
What do you say? Do you want to go for it? Enter your name in my comments section and therefore enter to win. Anyone is welcome to this Give Away, so you, Sister in Texas, you can win this for your Cousin in St. George. Or for yourself the next time you head to Utah. Just remember, you have until Sunday night (8/9/09) midnight (MST), and one entry per human please.
Good Gravy Good Luck!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
It's A Wonderful Night For A Moondance
I am assuming you know the best thing to do during a summer's full moon around here,
but in case you don't know I will tell you.
Sundance's Full Moon Lift Ride.
In the light of the full moon, lifters are carried
up the dark mountains,
over the quiet trees,
past the cool breeze
and out into the atmosphere.
Not only is it stunning to see the view of the galaxy,
but it is thrillingly romantic.
Chup and I love to bring blankets and spend the ride snuggling to the top.
(I just said snuggling.)
And only once he turned into a werewolf. But I don't mind hairy.
See more information here.
P.S. Speaking of romantic, I've got an exciting Give Away coming up on Friday!
Please stay yourself tuned . . .
Monday, August 3, 2009
The Soelbergs
On Saturday I ran into Shelby Soelberg Russell at the Farmers Market. When I made the discovery that my husband had not yet met Shelby, I stuttered to introduce her properly.
Out of my mouth came, "Her brother Colton is one of the masterminds behind Pizzaria 712." But in walking away (to take her advice on the tapas) I felt like I hadn't done her presentation justice.
Shelby is the owner of Soel Boutique in the Riverwoods, a little spot where you can buy designer clothes and participate in yoga.
(I am the only person in North America who doesn't do yoga.)
Her store is always having events, soirees and swaps. And it is a great place to stroll to
after over-eating at Happy Sumo.
(I over-eat at Happy Sumo.)
Soel is now carrying kitchen appliances perfect for wedding showers, or kitchen remodels.
Meanwhile, Colton and his associates are gracing Provo with their follow up restaurant to Pizzeria 712 (And if you go to P712 in the near future, please order the corn, ricotta and leek soubise pizza and thank me later) a cozy little place called Communal. (Communal eating style is an interesting way to experience eating-out.) You can watch the progression of the restaurant on their blog or drive by at 100 North and University Avenue.
Now that their sign is out in front of the building, it probably means their landlord is okay with me "putting it on my blog." I am so excited, Provonians, so excited.
Thanks Soelberg clan for bringing different looks and tastes to our town.
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