First off, I am all for raising my property taxes a few dollars a month so we can have a first class recreational center in Provo. I don't think that is a lot to ask for a new indoor pool and indoor track (two things I've dreamed of for many years). We need this facility now. In fact, we needed this facility fifteen years ago when I had to endure some rough moments as a freshman in PE swimming in the Provo Rec pool (it was like this). Let's do it for our children and seniors and people like me who won't buy a gym membership but will go to the rec center.
For more information, read this.
Secondly, I am voting for Don Jarvis as my Utah House Representative. He has been my neighbor for many years and he's a good guy. He is an educator, thinker and amazing gardener (how can you not vote for a gardener?) Also, I think it's important to promote balance in the political waters here in Utah County.
Jarvis is a conservative Democrat who cares about many of the same issues I care about. I agree with his views on immigration, the environment and the idea that in Utah, voting for a Democrat helps moderate Republicans--a group I most often identify with when voting. From the view I have gained from my family's involvement with politics, both locally and state-wide, I feel Don represents what is best for my family, my city and state.
I am c jane and this is my opinion. What is yours?
contact me:
p.s. Only a couple more days to see Dracula.
I knew there was a reason why I liked you.
Wow, your blogs have all sorts 'o goodness today. I love D. Jarvis. He was my mission pres. He would be a great rep - he is a measured man.
I voted before we left town for the coast—for that happy happy rec center, as well as for the promotion of balance and good gardening everywhere possible.
Do you know if there will be any kind of recording I might be able to watch when we get back from Oregon? Really, missing Dracula is the one terrible grief of my otherwise joyful trip. I so wanted to see it. Can you help a girl out here? or know someone who can?
I am SOOO excited for the new rec center!
Sorry, Ma'am. I'm not a fan of raising taxes in any way, at this time. Maybe when the economy normalizes and we begin to work on balancing our federal budget.
Also, I voted for a very great man in my Ward a few years back. He was a Democrat and I loved him. (He's since passed away.) However, when push came to shove, he was obliged to take sides with the Democrats, and against that for which I stood.
I love your voting thought process because it is similar to mine. If I ever did move to Utah, you give me hope that I wouldn't feel out of place if I chose to vote for a Democrat or raising taxes for a worthwhile cause.
On another note, your dad visited our ward a couple of Sundays ago. I thought it was cool how he taught the youth during the final hour. He reminds me of a big teddy bear.
Thank you! And I love that you asked me for my opinion. Because you know I will give it to you:
I vote Yes for Taj Mahal (and I DO have a membership at a gym AND the current dilapidated rec center). And I'm campaigning and voting for Deon Turley, another conservative Republican who represents me and the people in my district, not just a particular party, who, to be honest, is out of touch with its constituents.
Correction--I meant conservative Democrat, not Republican. Deon Turley is running as a Democrat.
Yay, Utah Democrats!
I have the same signs in my yard!
Love it!
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